Hello 2017

I’ve never been much for New Years resolutions but I am interested in bettering my life. So instead of making resolutions I chose one word to focus on throughout the year. That word is simplicity. Hopefully focusing on simplifying all the things in my life will lead me to live a better and more fulfilling life in all areas. Clothes, food, things in general are overwhelming to me at this point in my life.

 I know I don’t need so many clothes- I’m a stay at home Mom who occasionally has an event or date night out. If I simply my recipes & meal planning it won’t feel so daunting. If I get rid of the excess in my home and mind I can spend more time playing with my squish. Less time cleaning, less time stressing. No more rushing, no more mile long to do lists. Hopefully at the end of the year I will feel lighter and more fulfilled in all areas I feel like I’m lacking something or are currently overwhelming. So cheers to changes whether  big or small! Happy 2017!! 


Weekend adventures with a little blue eyed boy never get old. He is really into animals right now so we decided to go check out the La Brea tar pits and LACMA. It was a hit, turns out mamoths are his new favorite. He also still has the grounds map and pulls it out once a day to show me where the mammoths, bears, and big cats are located. In addition to that the “wello noodles” were where we spent the majority of our time. Totally genius! 

Holiday 2016

Happiest holidays! I am beyond excited to spend the next couple of days at home with my boys watching my favorite Christmas movies, eating lots of food, drinking gallons of hot chocolate, and just being lazy. It’s hard not to get wrapped up in all the “busy” of the holidays, but when you think about it, the memories are what matter- so I’ll be making as many as possible! 

Vegas Vacation! 

We road tripped it out to Vegas to spend Thanksgiving with my parents this year. I’ve been meaning to post this for a while  but… #momlife. Anyway, I was nervous to take a rambunctious toddler to the city of sin but researched enough to know there was at least one toddler friendly activity we could do per day. Turns out, toddlers love Vegas! It was a great trip with loads of fun and it’s always so nice to spend a holiday with family! 

For reference our list of activities included: 

  • Seeing the white Tigers/Lions at the Mirage (they also have dolphins!) 
  • Walking around to see all the wild hotels/buildings (Avery loved Ceasers Palace) 
  • Giant arcade at New York, New York 
  • Shark exhibit at Mandalay Bay
  • Going up to the top of the Eiffel Tower at the Paris 
  • Seeing the water show at the Bellagio (day & night) 
  • Seeing the holiday decorations in the garden/atrium at the Bellagio 

Zoo lights. 

Last week we decided to take the squish to see the zoo lights. It was magical, and I loved every minute of it. He knew we were at the zoo and was seriously disappointed when his favorite animals weren’t out to see but sparkly lights and a carousel ride are a good distraction. This year has been particularly fun for holidays with his age and understanding. I’m literally bubbling with anticipation for him and this week! Countdown starts now! 

Fun food. 

I wouldn’t typically categorize Avery as a “picky” eater but every once in a while we hit a rough patch at meal time and I’ve found the thing that works best for him is to make the food fun (or funny) to eat. This is just one of those things you do because you need your kid to eat at least one bite of something. Also, who am I kidding it’s kinda fun for me too! I actually enjoy making little animals or faces for him to “ooo” and “ahh” over. 

[toast with hummus, cucumber glasses, blueberry eyes, tomato mouth, carrot nose, and frozen pea hair] 

Halloween 2016

{festive snacks beacause halloween is a lifestyle!}

Ok, this was seriously the most fun Halloween we’ve had! We went to a little Halloween get-together at our friends house (we all have kids around the same age) and hung out, had pizza, and then took all the kiddos out trick or treating. Avery was the most efficient trick or treater of the group… got his candy said thank you and moved on to the next house without hesitation. He loved every moment of it and I was obsessed with him and how much fun he was having with all his little friends. We made some pretty good Halloween memories and that’s all that matters right? Hope you all had a festive, fun, & spooky night!! 

P.S. Our family costume this year was team rocket because Avery wanted to be a Pokémon AND a cat. 

Pixar exhibit. 

Pixar currently has a exhibit at the Los Angeles science center so my husband got tickets for opening weekend (being the animator that he is) and I have to say, I wasn’t disappointed. It was not particularly toddler friendly but there were a few things Avery really enjoyed, life size buzz lightyear anyone?.. Also when you purchase those tickets you also have access to see the “Endeavor” spaceship as well as the rest of the museum. We were basically there all day! Avery’s favorite thing was probably the ocean/aquarium area. He could have watched the fish all day. 

Perfect pumpkin. 

On Sunday we took Avery to underwood family farm to pick out a pumpkin. He had a blast walking through all the pumpkin patches, taking a tractor ride, feeding a little piglet, and riding a pony with a pink mane named marshmallow. One thing I know for sure, he loves being at the farm! It was the perfect way to start our favorite month! 

Little moments. 

I’ve been trying to be more “in the moment” lately which is why all things social media/blogging has been on the back burner. Avery is at such a fun age right now I just want to soak up all his  Avery-ness. I decided to start taking a couple photos a week of random, mundane, everyday moments to remember this time. He has the wildest imagination right now and I can’t say that I understand what he’s doing or why but I love watching him do it. Bath time is his new favorite play time, he gathers all his fish toys and has them battle the evil duck and somehow the shark is always the one to defeat Mr. Duck. And just when I think it can’t get any cuter he claps and cheers shark on saying “yay shark!” So cheers to more everyday mundane moments!